Friday, January 21, 2011

to be continued

Harry continued to enter Snowman in other competitions, and Snowman continued to win.

I will be consciously aware of the things I am doing to win and do them more. I will continue. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Harry Knew...

For years, Harry’s great dream had been to produce a champion jumping horse. He’d had moderate success in the past, but in order to compete at the highest levels, he knew he would have to buy a pedigreed horse that had been specifically bred to jump. And that kind of pedigree would cost far more than he could afford.

How beautifully wrong you were Harry Delayer. God can do anything in my life, today. I choose to believe Gods perspective above all others.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In art terms, it defines his style, it's His signature move. Some artists express themselves on a blank canvas, others take something existing and transform it. Both are a manifestation It's safe to say He thoroughly enjoys it.

Keep your eye on the dream

Harry worked with snowman for 3 years before entering him. He knew he'd be mocked but he kept his focus on his dream: A champion jumper.

God loves to take what appears of little value and then reveal its true value. So I will make God happy by not resisting his desire to perform in me.

Eye of Faith

For many years Harry's dream had been to raise a champion jumper. Then he unknowingly sold his Champion jumper to his neighbor for $160. God sent his dream jumping back to him.

Harry had never "seen" the snowman jump over anything larger than a fallen log. It took faith to look past an 8 year old scarred up, flea bitten work horse and see what he could do.

Harry's Dream

For many years Harry's dream had been to raise a champion jumper. Then he unknowingly sold his Champion jumper to his neighbor for $160. God sent his dream jumping back to him.

God DESIRES to make our dreams come true. It makes him happy so let him.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Robot

I have this ability to pick up a messy house in record time, I call it going robotic. I just thought I'd dissect it right now because it works really good and needs to be applied to other areas.

1. It's only two steps: Get things into my hands as fast as possible. Get things out of my hands as fast as possible.
2. It has a conscious begin time. I stop and think in my mind. I make a decision that I am the robot and I am going robotic.
3. I know it won't be that long. I know its going to be a half hour to an hour.
4. I know what the end looks like.
5. I set boundaries on interruption. I ask Jamie to handle everything the kids need so I can get it done. I tell the kids I'm going robotic so I can't be stopped or help them for a little while. If I knew in my mind I was going to have to stop in the middle to do something else I'd lose motivation.
6. I usually get sex as a reward but not always.
7. When I'm done I take a break and feel the cleanness and how amazing I transformed it so fast.

So what I'm taking from this:

1. Work in hour bursts
2. Know exactly the steps. Make the process of what I'm doing as simple and clear as possible.
3. Consciously start
4. Know exactly what it will look like in an hour
5. Eliminate all possibility of interruption
6. Have a reward in mind. Probably my dreamline
7. Know that at the end I'll be glorying in the victory